F.C. Bourg Select Bibliography
From Where Two or Three are Gathered: Christian Families as Domestic Churches by Florence Caffrey Bourg. Copyright 2004 by University of Notre Dame. Notre Dame, Indiana 46556 Read book review, & Order the book University of Notre Dame Press
Vatican II. Lumen Gentium #11; Apostolicam Actuositatem #11; Gaudium et Spes #48.
Catechism of the Catholic Church. Rome, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1994. ## 1656-58,1666.
Paul VI. Evangelii Nuntiandi (1975), #71.
John Paul II. Catechesi Tradendae (1979), #68.
-------Christifideles Laici (1988), #62.-------Evangelium Vitae (1995), #92-------Familiaris Consortio (1981), ## 21, 38, 48, 49, 51 54, 59, 61, 65, 86.-------Letter to Families (1994), ## 3, 5, 13,15, 16,19.Collections of John Paul II's speeches on family: O'Byrne, Seamus. The Family: Domestic Church. Athlone, Ireland: St. Paul Publications, 1984. John Paul II, Christian Family in the Teachings of John Paul II Homebush, Australia: St. Paul Publications, 1990.
Synod of Bishops (1980). "Message to Christian Families." Origins 10, no. 21 (1980): 321-323.
National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Committee on Marriage and Family. A Family Perspective in Church and Society (1988). Tenth anniversary edition,1998. -------Follow the Way of Love. Washington, DC: United States Catholic Conference,1994 -------"A Theological and Pastoral Colloquium: The Christian Family, a Domestic Church" (summary report of colloquium held at Notre Dame, IN, June 15 16,1992)
Pontifical Council for the Family. Family, Marriage, and ‘De Facto' Unions. Washington, DC: United States Catholic Conference, 2001.
Ahr, Peter. "The Internal Dynamics of the Sacrament of Marriage." In Working Papers on the Theology of Marriage, ed. James McHugh, 12-19. Washington, DC: USCC Family Life Bureau, 1967.
Alessio, Luis and Hector Munoz. Marriage and Family: The Domestic Church. Trans. Aloysius Owmen. Staten Island, NY: Alba House, 1982.
Anderson, Ray, and Dennis Guernsey. On Being Family. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans,1985.
Aubert, Jean Marie. "La famille cellule d’église." Divinitas 26, no. 3 (October 1982): 305-314.
Banks, Robert. Paul's Idea of Community: The Early House Churches in Their Historical Setting. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans,1980.
Bendroth, Margaret. "Horace Bushnell's Christian Nurture." In The Child in Christian Thought, ed. Marcia Bunge, 350-364. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans, 2001.
Boatz, Margaret Ryan. "The Domestic Church Today." Liturgy 7, no. 3 (1988):53-59.
Boelen, Bernard. "Church Renewal and the Christian Family." Studies in Formative Spirituality 2, no. 3 (November 1981): 359-369.
Bourg, Florence Caffrey. Christian Families as Domestic Churches: Insights from Theologies of Sacramentality, Virtue, and the Consistent Ethic of Life. Ph.D. diss., Boston College, 1998-------"Domestic Church: A New Frontier in Ecclesiology." Horizons 29, no. I (Spring 2002): 42-63.-------"Domestic Church: A Survey of Literature." INTAMS Review 7, no. 2 (Fall 2001): 182-191.-------"Domestic Churches: Sociological Challenge and Theological Imperative." In Theology and the Social Sciences, ed. Michael Barnes, 259-276. Annual Publication of the College Theology Society, vol. 46. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2001.-------"Family as a 'Missing Link' in Bernardin's Consistent Life Ethic." Josephinum Journal of Theology 8, no. 2 (Summer/Fall 2001): 3-26.-------"The Family Home as the Place of Religious Formation." In Religious Education of Boys and Girls, ed. Lisa Sowle Cahill and Werner Jeanrond, 9-16. Concilium Series, vol. 4. London: SCM Press, 2002.
Bowman, Thea, ed. Families: Black and Catholic, Catholic and Black. Washington, DC: United States Catholic Conference, 1985.
Boyer, Ernest. A Way in the World: Family Life as a Spiritual Discipline. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1988.
Brakman, Sarah Vaughan. "Responsibilities within the Family." In Vision and Values: Ethical Viewpoints in Catholic Tradition, ed. Judith Dwyer, 129-147. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1999.
Branick, Vincent. The House Church in the Writings of Paul. Wilmington, DE: Michael Glazier, 1989.
Brennan, Patrick. "The Domestic Church and a Family Perspective." In Reimagining the Parish: Base Communities, Adulthood, and Family Consciousness. 115-120. New York: Crossroad, 1990.
Bushnell, Horace. Christian Nurture. Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, 1994.
Cahill, Lisa Sowle. "Las familias Ofrecen una via para transformar la sociedad." Diakonia 20, no. 79 (July September 1996 ): 75-85.-------"Families Offer Way to Transform Society." National Catholic Reporter, March 8,1996-------Family: A Christian Social Perspective. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2000.-------Sex, Gender, and Christian Ethics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.-------"Sex, Gender, and the Common Good: Family." In Religion, Ethics, and the Common Good, ed. James Donahue and Theresa Moser, 145-167. Annual Publication of the College Theology Society, vol. 41. Mystic, CT: Twenty Third Publications, 1996.
Caldecott, Stratford. "The Family at the Heart of a Culture of Life." Communio 23, no. 1 (Spring 1996): 89-l00.
Carretto, Carlo. Famiglia, piccola chiesa. Rome: Editrice a.v.e.,1971.
Chesto, Kathleen O'Connell. Family Centered Intergenerational Religious Education. Kansas City, MO: Sheed & Ward, 1988.
Clerici, Luigi. "The Church as Family: African Church Communities as Families of Jesus and God: A Biblical and Ecclesiological Reflection." African Christian Studies 11, no. 2 (June 1995): 27-45.
Didimizio, Daniel, and Jacqueline Haessly. "Spiritual Formation and Family Life." Studies in Formative Spirituality 2, no. 3 (November 1981): 371-381.
Doohan, Leonard. "The Church as Family," In The Lay Centered Church: Theology and Spirituality. Minneapolis, MN: Winston Press, 1984.-------Laity's Mission in the Local Church. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1986.
Dulles, Avery. The Splendor of Faith: The Theological Vision of John Paul II. New York: Crossroad, 1999.
Edwards, Denis. "The Open Table: Theological Reflections on the Family." Australasian Catholic Record 22, no. 3 (July 1995) 327-339.
Elliott, J. H. "Philemon and House Churches," Bible Today 22 (1984):145-150.
Eugene, Toinette. "African American Family Life: An Agenda for Ministry within the Catholic Church." New Theology Review 5, no. 2 (1992): 33-47.-------"Lifting as We Climb: Womanist Theorizing about Religion and the Family." In Religion, Feminism, and the Family, ed. Anne Carr and Mary Stewart van Leeuwen, 330-343. Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1996.Evdokimov, Paul. "Ecclesia domestica." Anneau d'Or, no. 107 (1962): 353-362.-------The Sacrament of Love: The Nuptial Mystery in the Light of the Orthodox Tradition, trans. Anthony Gythiel and Victoria Steadman, 121-123. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1985.-------"The Theology of Marriage." In Marriage and Christian Tradition, with George Crespy and Christian Duquoc, trans. Agnes Cunningham, 67-104. Techny, IL: Divine Word Publications, 1968.
Everett, William Johnson. Blessed Be the Bond: Christian Perspectives on Marriage and Family. Philadelphia, Fortress Press, 1985.
Fahey, Michael. "The Christian Family as Domestic Church at Vatican II:" In The Family, ed. Lisa Sowle Cahill and Dietmar Mieth, 85-92. Concilium Series, voI. 4,1995. London: SCM Press, Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1995.
Falardeau, Ernest. "The Church, the Eucharist, and the Family." One in Christ 33, no. 1 (1997): 20-30.-------"The Eucharist and the Domestic Church." Emmanuel 102, no. 9 (November 1996): 538-541.-------"Eucharist and Family: Essential to Communion." Church 11, no. 4 (Winter 1995): 19-22.-------"The Family as Communion." Emmanuel 102, no. 8 (October 1996): 89-92.-------"Mutual Recognition of Baptism and the Pastoral Care of Interchurch Marriages." Journal of Ecumenical Studies 28, no. 1 (Winter 1991): 63-73.
Filson, F. V "The Significance of the Early House Churches." Journal of Biblical Literature 68 (1939): 105-112.
Finley, Mitch. "A Family Ecclesiology" America 149 (July 30,1983): 50.
Finley, Mitch, and Kathy Finley. Christian Families in the Real World: Reflections on a Spirituality for the Domestic Church. Chicago: Thomas More Press, 1984.
Foley, Gerald. Family Centered Church: A New Parish Model. Kansas City, MO: Sheed & Ward, 1995.
Foley, Mary Ann. "Toward an Ecclesiology of the Domestic Church." Église et Théologie 27 (1996): 351-373.
Fotiou, Stavros. "Water into Wine, and Eros into Agape: Marriage in the Orthodox Church," In Celebrating Christian Marriage. ed. Adrian Thatcher, 89 104. Edinburgh and New York: T & T Clark, 2001.
Freund, John, and Joanne Heaney Hunter. Sacramental Marriage and the Difference It Makes. New York: Pueblo Publishing, 1984.
Gallagher, Maureen. "Family as Sacrament." In The Changing Family, 5 13. Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1984.
Grisez, Germain. "The Christian Family as Fulfillment of Sacramental Marriage." Studies in Christian Ethics 9, no. 1 (1996): 23 33.
Grootaers, Jan, and Joseph Selling, eds. The 1980 Synod of Bishops: "On the Role of the Family." Leuven, Belgium: Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium LXIV,1983.
Guroian, Vigen. "The Ecclesial Family: John Chrysostom on Parenthood and Children." In The Child in Christian Thought, ed. Marcia Bunge, 61-77. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans, 2001.-------"An Ethic of Marriage and Family." In Incarnate Love: Essays in Orthodox Ethics. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1987.-------"Family and Christian Virtue: Reflections on the Ecclesial Vision of John Chrysostom." In Ethics after Christendom: Toward an Ecclesial Ethic,133-154. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans,1994.
Haring, Bernard. "The Christian Family as a Community for Salvation." In Man before God: Toward a Theology of Man,146-158. New York, P J. Kenedy & Sons, 1966.
Haughton, Rosemary. In The Knife Edge of Experience. London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1972. "Experience of Family."-------Problems of Christian Marriage. New York: Paulist Press/Deus Books, 1968.
Hays, Edward. Prayers for the Domestic Church: A Handbook for Worship in the Home. Easton, KS: Forest of Peace Books, 1979.
Heaney Hunter, Joanne. "The Domestic Church: Guiding Beliefs and Daily Practices." In Christian Marriage and Family: Contemporary Theological and Pastoral Perspectives, ed. Michael Lawler and William Roberts, 59-78. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1996.-------"The Domestic Church Proclaims the Gospel of Life." Living Light (Fall 1995):27-38.-------"The RCIA: Model for Marriage Preparation?" Living Light (Spring 1991): 209-217.
Herman Hendrickx, "The `House Church' in Paul's Letters." Theology Annual 12 (1990 1991).
Hill, Brennan. "Reformulating the Sacramental Theology of Marriage," in Christian Marriage and Family: Contemporary Theological and Pastoral Perspectives, ed. Michael Lawler and William Roberts, 3-21. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1996.
Hill, Marie, and Brennan Hill. "The Family as a Center of Ministry." In Family Ministry, ed. Gloria Durka and Joanmarie Smith, 202-226. Minneapolis, MN: Winston Press, 1980.
Hinze, Christine Firer. "Catholic: Family Unity and Diversity within the Body of Christ." In Faith Traditions and the Family, ed. Phyllis Airhart and Margaret Lamberts Bendroth, 53-72. Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1996.
Hitchcock, Helen Hull. "Remodeling the `Domestic Church." Crisis 11 (April 1993): 9-10.
Jantsch, Catherine. "Domestic Church: A Great Place to Start." National Catholic Reporter 22, no. 14 (September 12,1986).
Kelly, Thomas. "The Sacramentality of Marriage as Primary Model of Discipleship." INTAMS Review 7, no. 1 (Spring 2001):13-25.
Kilcourse, George. Double Belonging: Interchurch Families and Christian Unity. New York, Paulist Press, 1992.-------"Interchurch Families: Living Ecumenically." Church 8, no. 3 (Fall 1992): 20-23.
Klauck, Hans Josef "Die Hausgemeinde als Lebensform im Urchristentum." Miinchener Theologische Zeitschrift 32, no. 1 (1981): 1-15.
Knieps Port le Roi, Thomas. "Marriage and the Church: Reflections on an Underrated Relationship." In Celebrating Christian Marriage. ed. Adrian Thatcher, 105-118. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 2001.
Konerman, Gregory J. "The Family as Domestic Church." In Church Divinity, ed. John Morgan, 58-67. Bristol, IN: Wyndham Hall Press, 1991.
Langan, Thomas. "Bolstering the Domestic Church." Communio 9, no. 2 (1982): l00-109.
Lange, Josef "Familie, Familiengruppe and Kirchliche Gemeinde: Fakten, Trends and Perspektiven." In Wandel der Familie -Zukunft der Familie, ed. Volker Eid and Laszlo Vaskovics, 242-262. Mainz, Germany: Mathias GrunewaldVerlag,1982.
Lawler, Michael. Family: American and Christian. Chicago, Loyola Press, 1998.-------"Towards a Theology of Christian Family." INTAMS Review 8, no. 2 (Spring 2002): 55-73.
Lawler, Michael, and Gail Risch. "Covenant Generativity: Toward a Theology of Christian Family." Horizons 26, no. 1 (Spring 1999): 7-30.
Leckey, Dolores. The Ordinary Way: A Family Spirituality. New York: Crossroad Publishing, 1982.
Lincoln, Timothy. "Ecclesiology, Marriage, and Historical Consciousness: The Domestic Church as an Ecumenical Opportunity." New Theology Review 8, no. 1 (February 1995): 58-68.
Lodi, E. "Famiglia: Chiesa domestica nella tradizione patristica." Rivpatlit 18 (1980): 221ff.
Lwaminda, P "The African Synod and the Family." African Christian Studies 11, no. 2 (June 1995): 46-53.
Mackin, Theodore. The Marital Sacrament. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1989.
Martin, Thomas. "The Family as Domestic Church: Why There Is a Family Perspective on Social Issues." In Using a Family Perspective in Catholic Social Justice and Family Ministries, ed. Patricia Voyandoff and Thomas Martin, 19-38. Roman Catholic Studies, no. 6. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press (1994).
Martos, Joseph. "The Evolving Ideal of the Family in Catholic Tradition." In The Ideal in the World's Religions: Essays on the Person, Family, Society, and Environment, ed. Robert Carter and Sheldon Isenberg, 233-251. St. Paul, MN: Paragon House, 1997.
Mastroianni, Ennio. "Christian Family as Domestic Church: A Brief Theological Inquiry." Preparatory paper for NCCB Committee on Marriage and Family's colloquium on domestic church, held at Notre Dame, IN, June 15-16,1992.
May, Patricia, and William May. "The Family as a Saved and Saving Community: A Specific and Original Ecclesial Role," with a response by Timothy O'Donnell and Catherine O'Donnell. In The Church at the Service of the Family, ed. Anthony Mastroeni, Proceedings from the Sixteenth Convention of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars. Orange, CA: 1993.
May, William. "The Christian Family: A Domestic Church." In Marriage: The Rock on Which the Family Is Built, 101-119. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1995.
McDonough, Patricia. "Dying and Rising with Christ." Catholic Telegraph vol.168, no. 44 (November 5,1999).
McGinnis, James, and Kathleen McGinnis. "Family as Domestic Church." In One Hundred Years of Catholic Social Thought, ed. John A. Coleman, 120-134. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1991.
Mette, Norbert. "Die Familie als Kirche im Kleinen." In Wandel der Familie - Zukunft der Familie, ed. Volker Eid and Laszlo Vaskovics, 263-283. Mainz, Germany: Mathias Grunewald Verlag,1982.-------"The Family in the Teaching of the Magisterium." In The Family, ed. Lisa Sowle Cahill and Dietmar Mieth, 74-84. Concilium Series, vol. 4. London: SCM Press; Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1995.
Meyendorff, John. Marriage: An Orthodox Perspective. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1984.
Miller, Donald, O.F.M. Concepts of Family Life in Modern Catholic Theology from Vatican II through Christifideles Laici. San Francisco, Catholic Scholars Press, 1996.
Mulligan, Mary. "Family: Become What You Are." New Theology Review 5, no. 2 (May 1992): 6-19.
O'Loughlin, Frank. "Theology of the Family." Compass 29 (Spring 1995): 33-40.
Orsy, Ladislas, S.J. "Faith, Sacrament, Contract, and Christian Marriage: Disputed Questions." Theological Studies 43, no. 3 (September 1982): 379-398.-------"Interchurch Families and the Eucharist." Doctrine and Life 47, no. 1 (January 1997): 10-13.-------"Interchurch Families and Reception of the Eucharist." America 175, no. 10 (October 12, 1996): 18-19.
Osiek, Carolyn, and David Balch. Families in the New Testament World: Households and House Churches. Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1997.
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Redmond, Barbara Deveney. The Domestic Church, Primary Agent of Moral Development. Ph.D. diss., Boston College, Institute for Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry, 1998.
Roberts, J. Deotis. Roots of a Black Future: Family and Church. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1980.
Roberts, William. "The Family as Domestic Church: Contemporary Implications." In Christian Marriage and Family: Contemporary Theological and Pastoral Perspectives, ed. Michael Lawler and William Roberts, 79-90. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1996.-------"Theology of Christian Marriage." In Alternative Futures for Worship: Christian Marriage, ed. Bernard Cooke, 47-63. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1987.
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Rubio, Julie Hanlon. "Does Family Conflict with Community?" Theological Studies vol 58 (December 1997): 597-617.
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