Interchurch couples are joined by the sacraments of Baptism and Marriage that they share, and many articles have been written to tell of couples’ experience of their marriages. This section also includes the beautiful document written by Pope Francis, “The Joy of Love” as well as the latest rules for Roman Catholics marrying people from other denominations (referred to by the Catholic church as “Mixed Marriages”). Although written in 1990 this “Directory” remains the relevant document for all such marriages in England and Wales.
This article, written by the late Fr John Coventry S.J., one of the co-founders of the Association of Interchurch Families, addresses a number of general considerations that couples from different church traditions might wish to consider before getting married. In particular it discusses the “Promise” that Catholic partners are required to make when marrying someone who is not also a baptised Roman Catholic. The article was written after the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales had promulgated their Revised Directory on Mixed Marriages in April 1990.
An address by Canon Peter Chambers, Director of the Board of Social Responsibility in the Anglican Diocese of Guildford at a one-day workshop on “Interchurch Marriage – an Undervalued Resource”.
Water into Wine
There was a wedding in Manchester. The mother of Jesus was there, and Jesus and members of his Church were guests also.
Yes, like that unknown couple at Cana in Galilee nearly 2000 years ago, Naomi and James have invited Jesus as a guest to their wedding. He is here to share in our joy as Naomi and James give themselves to each other in marriage.
Marriage is at the very centre of society and from the beginning of the life of the Church it has been the firm teaching that marriage is a sacred union. Christians believe that Christ raised marriage
between Christians to be a sacrament, namely, that the matrimonial union is also a special grace-filled union with and through Jesus Christ.
“Don’t be bound by tradition, that is the old wine which seems to taste good until the new wine prepared for us by Jesus is tasted. You have invited Jesus to your wedding, and he is here with us. He will go with you through your married life.”
From the “Sermon for an interchurch marriage” in this section
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Telephone: +44 (0)20 3384 2947
Email: info@interchurchfamilies.org.uk
Registered Charity No. 283811