What is the "Interchurch Families" journal?
The Journal is a twice-yearly journal which discusses the theological and pastoral issues raised by the existence of interchurch families (especially families in which one partner is a Roman Catholic and the other a Christian of another communion). It shares the experience of these families with a wider public. By providing up-to-date information on changing rules and pastoral practice which affect the lives of interchurch families, it helps readers keep abreast of developments which concern mixed marriages and interchurch families, in the context of the wider ecumenical movement.
The journal is published by the Association of Interchurch Families in England, but it intends to serve the needs of English-speaking interchurch families and all who care for their welfare world-wide. It warmly welcomes contributions and editorial help from all parts of the world.
Editorial material or comments:
Note: The Journal ceased publication some years ago, however information on it can still be obtained from the Association of Interchurch Families, UK.
Summer 2004 (12.2) (pdf, 827k)
Forty Years On (12.2.1)
The Journal 1993-2004: An Overview (12.2.2-3)
Interchurch family groups in Europe and the Churches (12.2.4-5)
Why I receive communion at the Lord's Supper (12.2.6)
My experience of confirmation and membership (12.2.6)
Swiss conferences 1974-2003 (12.2.7-8)
Interchurch families around the world (12.2.9)
Agreements on interchurch marriages in Switzerland (12.2.10-11)
Problems and passion (12.2.11)
Greek Orthodox marriages in the USA (12.2.12-13)
January 2004 (12.1) (pdf, 678k)
From Rome with joy (12.1.1)
Address by Cardinal Kasper (12.1.1-3)
Anglican greetings (12.1.3-5)
Address by Mgr Giuseppe Chiaretti (12.1.5-6)
Address by Professor Daniel Garrone (12.1.7)
Address to the Pontifical Council (12.1.7-9)
Interchurch Families Around the World (12.1.9)
Franco-Swiss conferences 1967-1981 (12.1.11-12)
Learning to forgive (12.1.12-14)
A spirituality for interchurch marriage (12.1.15)
Towards Rome 2003
Interchurch Families Around the World
International Conferences of Interchurch Families
Eucharistic sharing: further study
En route for Rome 2003
Shutting out or welcoming in?ummer 2003 (Vol 11.2)
Summer 2002 (Vol 10.2) (pdf, 2.04mb)
Pastoral Understanding - Cover (10.2, 1)
Parity of Esteem (10.2.2-3)
Pastoral Understanding (10.2.4-5)
Resources for Ecumenical Hope (10.2.6)
Interchurch Families - Sign and Summons (10.2.7)
Around the World (10.2.8-9)
Fr. John Coventry SJ (10.2.10-15)
January 2002 (Vol 10, 1) (pdf, 2mb)
Living the Path to Christian Unity (10.1.1)
Telling our stories (10.1.2-4)
Spirituality for Interchurch Families (10.1.5-8)
Potential of interchurch families (10.1.9-12)
Going Beyond (9.2.1)
You and your children (9.2.2)
There is no blueprint for interchurch children (9.2.3)
Celebrating 25 years (9.2.4)
Making Love: The first rule of marriage (9.2.5-7)
Interchurch families around the world (9.2.8)
Italian-French-Swiss Conferences (9.2.9-10)
Baptising our daughter (9.2.11)
Eucharist Sharing: Forming our consciences (9.2.12-16)
January 2001 (9.1) (pdf, 291kb)
No Blueprint (9.1.1)
Three baptisms in our family (9.1.2-3)
I'm lucky, not weird (9.1.3)
Marc is baptised (9.1.4)
INTAMS Review (9.1.5)
Interchurch families around the world (9.1.8-10)
Guidelines for eucharistic sharing in Canada (9.1.11-15)
Summer 2000 (Vol 8.2) (pdf, 2mb)
Unity by Stages (8.2.1)
Tribute to Johannes Cardinal Willebrands (8.2.2-4)
My Experience as an Interchurch Child (8.2.8-9)
Eucharistic Sharing in Interchurch Families in Relation to Authority Issues (8.2.14-15)
God Called us to Marry (8.1.2)
One Church at Home (8.1.3)
Ruth's Baptism (8.1.4)
Reaffirming my Commitment (8.1.5)
Reflections Over 30 Years (8.1.6-7)
Ministry to Interchurch Marriages (8.1.12)
Challenge and Significance (8.1.13)
AIF Journal - Summer 1999 (7.2.1)
Homily at Heythrop (7.2.2-3)
World Council of Churches 8th Assembly (7.2.6)
Padare at Harare (7.2.8)
Interchurch Families Around the World (7.2.9)
Everyone who asks will receive (7.1.2-3)
We love one another (7.1.4)
A witness to ecumenism (7.1.5-6)
Geneva 1998 (7.1.7)
Opening up ecumenical space (7.1.9-13)
Our Silver Wedding - A special occasion (7.1.15)
Editorial (6.2.1)
Personal and Corporate (6.2.2)
Christian Unity in Marriage (6.2.3)
Occasions of Need (6.2.4-5)
Eucharistic Sharing Southern Africa (6.2.6-7)
Around the World (6.2.8-9)
Christian-Muslim Marriages (6.2.12-13)
Christian-Hindu Marriage (6.2.14-15)
Interfaith marriage Guidelines (6.2.15)
Mark's First Communion (6.1.2)
The Body and the Blood (6.1.2)
Graz 1997 (6.1.3)
Growing as Domestic Church (6.1.4-7)
Around the World (6.1.8-9)
Eucharistic Sharing (6.1.10-13)
Pilgrim's Way (6.1.14)
Editorial (5.2.1)
Cardinal Hume (5.2.2-4)
Spiritual Communion (5.2.4)
Eucharistic Belief (5.2.5-7)
Around the World (5.2.8-10)
Ecumenism at Home (5.2.10)
INTAMS (5.2.11)
Canadian Bishops (5.2.13)
Double Belonging (5.2.14)
Virginia 1996 (5.1.1)
We went to Virginia (5.1.2-4)
Christian Unity and Interchurch Families: An English Perspective (5.1.7-9)
Interchurch Families - Hope for the Churches (5.1.14-15)
Come Down Quickly! (4.2.1)
First Communions in our Family: A Reflection (4.2.2)
Interchurch Families Around the World (4.2.8-11)
Interchurch Families: Ecumenically liberating the Church (4.2.12-15)
Occasions or Cases? (4.1.2)
Hidden Strength (4.1.3)
A Source of Joy (4.1.4-6)
Coppie interconfessionali - Italy (4.1.9-10)
Conscientious Decisions (3.2.1)
A House Blessing (3.2.9)
Interchurch Families as a Threat of Resurrection (3.2.10-15)
Interchurch Families and Christian Unity (2.2.3)
Admission to communion in the Roman Catholic Church for partners in Interchurch Families (2.2.10-15)
So What's New? (2.1.1)
My Other Parish (2.1.7)
Interchurch Families Around the World (2.1.8-9)
Making a Marriage: Seeking Unity (2.1.10-11)
Summer 1993 (Vol 1.2) (pdf 2.3MB)
Interchurch Families Around the World (1.2.8-9)
The New Directory: Section on Mixed Marriages (1.2.11-12)
Eighth International Conference (1.2.16)
What is an interchurch family?
Sharing Communion: Exceptional Occasions or Exceptional Cases
Mixed Marriages & Their Christian Families (Cardinal Willebrands)
Sharing Communion: A Fact Sheet (March 1995)
UT UNUM SINT: An Initial Response
ARCHDIOCESE OF BRISBANE: Admission to Communion
Eucharistic Division: The Human Cost
3rd Floor,
20 King Street,
Telephone: +44 (0)20 3384 2947
Email: info@interchurchfamilies.org.uk
Registered Charity No. 283811