18 – 21 August 2005
Noah’s on the Beach,
NSW Australia
Rev Christine Sheppard (UCA)
Rev John Dring ( Anglican)
Vivienne Llewellyn
2.00 PM Book into rooms from 2.00 PM
4.00 PM Register from 4.00 PM
6.30 for 7.00 PM
FRIDAY 19TH August
6.30-8.00 AM. Breakfast In Restaurant
7.30-9.00 AM Registrations
8.15-8.45 AM Prayer in Promenade Room Includes Aboriginal Spirituality Prayer session
8.45-9.00 AM Queensland Report
Session One
9.00-9.15 AM Opening Session
Official welcome:
Bishop Michael Malone,
Bishop Brian Farran,
Bishop Graeme Rutherford
9.15-9.30 AM Dr Ruth Reardon: Explanation of Rome Document Background. Introduced by Melanie Finch
9.30-10.15 AM Introduction of Keynote speaker: Bishop Michael Malone
Keynote speaker: Rev Dr Gerard Kelly: Interchurch Families and Christian Unity (Rome Document)
10.15-10.20AM Stretch
10.20-11.00AM Facilitated Panel Discussion session on Dr Gerard Kelly’s presentation
Bishop Graeme Rutherford speaks to document from Anglican view
Rev Dr Chris Budden speaks from UCA view
Rev Michael Grosas from Lutheran view
Bishop Michael Malone speaks on Diocesan Norms and Rome Document
11.00-11.30AM Morning Tea
Session Two
11.30-12.30PM Sharing our Dreams: The Lived Experience as Families
Open Forum: Led by Facilitator
Dr Ruth Reardon: England: Rome document and International Scene
Melanie and Richard Finch: England: Children and Sacraments
Ray and Fenella Temmerman: Canada David and Susan White: Western Australia Jeff Wild and Margie Dahl: Victoria
David and Fionualla Armstrong: NSW
Conversation between the above, followed by questions from floor to speakers Stretch
12.35-1.00 PM Continuing the Open Forum, including issues from Session One: Led by Facilitator
Key Points: Facilitator
1.00– 2.00 PM Lunch
Session Three
2.00-3.15 PM Healing Hurts: The Lived Experience in Some Australian Dioceses. Led by Facilitator
Pat Mullins (Brisbane): Background and experience of Brisbane’s Blessed and Broken
Bishop Michael Malone ( Maitland-Newcastle): Real Yet Imperfect
Sr Trish Madigan OP (Broken Bay): One Body Broken
Workshop groups on these documents
Facilitor led summary
3.15-3.45 PM Clergy view on Healing Hurts: The Lived Experience in Some Australian Dioceses
Catholic view: Rev Greg Arnold
UCA view – Rev Dr Chris Budden
Anglican view: Rev Peter Ashley-Brown
Lutheran view :Rev Michael Grosas
Presbyterian view : Rev John Webster
Interaction with Facilitator
3.45-4.15 PM Afternoon Tea
Session Four
4.15– 5.00PM Implementing Our Dreams
4.15-4.35 PM Interactive Session: Theological Implications of the day: Rev Dr Gerard Kelly. Facilitated Q and A
4.35-5.00 PM Led by Ruth Reardon
Discussion on Interchurch Families and Christian Unity Document: Discussions with Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity: 2005 Rome Synod of Bishops Submissions on the Eucharist
6.30 for 7.00PM
Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress John Tate and Cathy Tate
Bishop Brian Farran and Mrs Robin Farran (Newcastle)
Bishop Michael Malone (Maitland-Newcastle)
Bishop Graeme Rutherford (Asst Newcastle; Co-chair AustARC)
Cardinal Edward Cassidy
Rev Dr Ray Williamson (NSW Ecumenical Council)
Rev Dr Don and Mrs Lesley Evans (UCA Presbytery
Rev David Campbell (Presbyterian Presbytery}
Rev Michael Grosas (Hunter Lutheran )
Entertainment with Margaret McNaughton
Evening concludes with prayer
SATURDAY 20th August
6.30-8.00 AM. Breakfast In Restaurant
7.30-9.00 AM Registrations
8.15–8.45 AM Prayer in Promenade Room
8.45-9.00 AM Australian State reports WA / Vic
Session Five
9.00–10.00AM Towards Realising Our dreams: Celebrating Interchurch Marriages Part I
Introduction of Keynote speakers: Margaret Naylon and Rev Christine Sheppard
Keynote Address: Elizabeth Harrington and Rev Dr Chris Budden : Topic “Interchurch Marriages –Their Ecumenical Challenge and Significance for our Churches” : A Dialogue Experience
10.00-10.05 AM Stretch
10.05-11.00 AM Sharing our Dreams: Celebrating Interchurch Marriages: Part I continued
Elizabeth Harrington and Rev Dr Chris Budden with facilitator open a session of questions for consideration in groups
Facilitator draws responses .Key points from facilitator
11.00-11.30 AM Morning Tea
Session Six
11..30-1.00 PM Sharing Our Dreams: Celebrating Interchurch
Marriages Part II
Hypotheticals session led by Faciltator, including Chapter 7 proposals from UCA/RC Document.
Other Churches considerations about adopting this report. Interaction between speakers and the floor
Anglican : Bishop Graeme Rutherford
Lutheran: Re Michael Grosas
Presbyterian: Rev David Campbell
Catholic comments: Bishop Michael Malone /Rev Dr Gerard Kelly
UCA comments: Rev Dr Chris Budden
Planning for other denominations to adopt UCA/RC report. Those wishing to be involved at depth to meet separately later after short discussion here
1.00-2.00 PM Lunch
Session Seven
2.00- 2.45 PM Sharing Our Dreams : Celebrating Interchurch Marriages: Part III
Hypotheticals Session with facilitator
Five couples speak to their experience as a dialogue between them.
Warren and Rev Christine Sheppard :Newcastle
Edouard and Joy Bedard : Canada
Keith and Pat Lander: England
John and Sally Faisandier : New Zealand
Giordano and Annette Laguna : Townsville
Drawing together by facilitator
2.45-2.50PM Stretch
2.50-3.30Pm Open forum on above with facilitator
3.30-4.00PM Afternoon Tea
Session Eight
4.00- 4.20PM Theological Implications: Interactive session with Rev Dr Gerard Kelly
4.20-4.45PM Arrange re Reporting back Final Summing up from facilitator
5.15-6.15PM Vigil Mass in Harbour View Room: Bishop Michael Malone principal celebrant
6.30 for 7.00PM
SUNDAY 21st August
6.30 AM Breakfast in Dining Room
8.00AM Anglican Family Eucharist Christ Church Cathedral
Celebrant Bishop Graeme Rutherford
10.00AM Three day registrants book out at Noahs
Own arrangements or
Mini-tours / BBQ Lunch Lake Macquarie venue
Continuing the conversation: Arranging for reports Day concludes with Prayer after evening meal for those who can stay
3rd Floor,
20 King Street,
Telephone: +44 (0)20 3384 2947
Email: info@interchurchfamilies.org.uk
Registered Charity No. 283811